Installation: ember-lookit-frameplayer (Ember app)

ember-lookit-frameplayer is a small Ember application that allows both researchers to preview an experiment and users to participate in an experiment. This is meant to be used in conjunction with the Lookit API Django project, which contains the Experimenter and Lookit applications. The Django application will proxy to these Ember routes for previewing/participating in an experiment.

In order to run the frame player as it works on Lookit, you will need to additionally install the Django app lookit-api and then follow the local frame development instructions to make sure it communicates with the Ember app. This way, for instance, an experiment frame will be able to look up previous sessions a user has completed and use those for longitudinal designs.

Note: These instructions are for Mac OS. Installing on another OS? Please consider documenting the exact steps you take and submitting a PR to the lookit-api repo to update the documentation!


You will need the following tools properly installed on your computer.


Before beginning, you will need to install Yarn, a package manager (like npm).

git clone
cd ember-lookit-frameplayer
yarn install --pure-lockfile
bower install

Create or open a file named ‘.env’ in the root of the ember-lookit-frameplayer directory, and add the following entries to use the Pipe WebRTC-based recorder: PIPE_ACCOUNT_HASH (reference to account to send video to) and PIPE_ENVIRONMENT (which environment, e.g. development, staging, or production). These are available upon request if you need to use the actual Lookit environments. (If you are doing a very large amount of local testing, we may ask that you set up your own Pipe account.) Your .env file should look like this:

PIPE_ACCOUNT_HASH='<account hash here>'
PIPE_ENVIRONMENT=<environment here>

Running / Development

If you change any dependencies, make sure to update and commit the yarn.lock file in addition to package.json.

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build (development)
  • ember build --environment production (production)

Writing documentation of frames

Documentation of individual exp-player components is automatically generated using YUIDoc:

  • yarn run docs

At the moment, this is a manual process: whatever files are in the top level /docs/ folder of the master branch will be served via GitHub pages.