

Frame to display image(s) and play audio, with optional video recording. Options allow customization for looking time, storybook, forced choice, and reaction time type trials, including training versions where children (or parents) get feedback about their responses.

This can be used in a variety of ways - for example:

  • Display an image for a set amount of time and measure looking time

  • Display two images for a set amount of time and play audio for a looking-while-listening paradigm

  • Show a “storybook page” where you show images and play audio, having the parent/child press ‘Next’ to proceed. If desired, images can appear and be highlighted at specific times relative to audio. E.g., the audio might say “This [image of Remy appears] is a boy named Remy. Remy has a little sister [image of Zenna appears] named Zenna. [Remy highlighted] Remy’s favorite food is brussel sprouts, but [Zenna highlighted] Zenna’s favorite food is ice cream. [Remy and Zenna both highlighted] Remy and Zenna both love tacos!”

  • Play audio asking the child to choose between two images by pointing or answering verbally. Show text for the parent about how to help and when to press Next.

  • Play audio asking the child to choose between two images, and require one of those images to be clicked to proceed (see “choiceRequired” option).

  • Measure reaction time as the child is asked to choose a particular option on each trial (e.g., a central cue image is shown first, then two options at a short delay; the child clicks on the one that matches the cue in some way)

  • Provide audio and/or text feedback on the child’s (or parent’s) choice before proceeding, either just to make the study a bit more interactive (“Great job, you chose the color BLUE!”) or for initial training/familiarization to make sure they understand the task. Some images can be marked as the “correct” answer and a correct answer required to proceed. If you’d like to include some initial training questions before your test questions, this is a great way to do it.

In general, the images are displayed in a designated region of the screen with aspect ratio 7:4 (1.75 times as wide as it is tall) to standardize display as much as possible across different monitors. If you want to display things truly fullscreen, you can use autoProceed and not provide parentText so there’s nothing at the bottom, and then set maximizeDisplay to true.

Any number of images may be placed on the screen, and their position specified. (Aspect ratio will be the same as the original image.)

What it looks like

Example screenshot from exp-lookit-images-audio frame


Webcam recording may be turned on or off; if on, stimuli are not displayed and audio is not started until recording begins. (Using the frame-specific doRecording property is good if you have a smallish number of test trials and prefer to have separate video clips for each. For reaction time trials or many short trials, you will likely want to use session recording instead - i.e. start the session recording before the first trial and end after the last trial - to avoid the short delays related to starting/stopping the video.)


This frame is displayed fullscreen, but is not paused or otherwise disabled if the user leaves fullscreen. A button appears prompting the user to return to fullscreen mode.

If the frame before it is not fullscreen, that frame needs to include a manual “next” button so that there’s a user interaction event to trigger fullscreen mode. (Browsers don’t allow us to switch to FS without a user event.)


This frame supports flexible pausing behavior due to the use of pause-unpause mixin. See that link for more detailed information about how to adjust pausing behavior.

If the user pauses using the pauseKey (space bar by default), the study will be paused. You can optionally disable pausing, or have the study pause if the user leaves fullscreen mode; see pause-unpause mixin. While paused, audio is paused and stimuli are not displayed, and instead a pauseImage or looping pauseVideo and some pausedText are displayed. Audio can be played upon pausing and upon unpausing.

Upon unpausing, either this frame will restart (default) or the study can proceed to a frame of your choice (see the frameOffsetAfterPause parameter in pause-unpause mixin.

If doRecording is true and you are recording webcam video during this frame, that recording will stop when the study is paused. If you are doing session-level recording, you can optionally stop that upon pausing; if you do that, you will probably want to send families back to an exp-lookit-start-recording frame upon unpausing.

Specifying where files are

Several of the parameters for this frame can be specified either by providing a list of full URLs and file types, or by providing just a filename that will be interpreted relative to the baseDir. See the expand-assets mixin tool that this frame uses.

More general functionality

Below is information specific to this particular frame. There may also be available parameters, events recorded, and data collected that come from the following more general sources:


The examples below show a variety of usages.

  1. Single image displayed full-screen, maximizing area on monitor, for 8 seconds.

    "image-1": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "images": [
                "id": "cats",
                "src": "two_cats.png",
                "position": "fill"
        "baseDir": "https://www.mit.edu/~kimscott/placeholderstimuli/",
        "autoProceed": true,
        "doRecording": true,
        "durationSeconds": 8,
        "maximizeDisplay": true,
        "pageColor": "black",
        "backgroundColor": "black"
  2. Single image displayed at specified position, with ‘next’ button to move on

    "image-2": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "images": [
                "id": "cats",
                "src": "three_cats.JPG",
                "top": 10,
                "left": 30,
                "width": 40
        "baseDir": "https://www.mit.edu/~kimscott/placeholderstimuli/",
        "autoProceed": false,
        "doRecording": true,
        "parentTextBlock": {
            "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
            "title": "For parents"
  3. Image plus audio, auto-proceeding after audio completes and 4 seconds go by

    "image-3": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "audio": "wheresremy",
        "images": [
                "id": "remy",
                "src": "wheres_remy.jpg",
                "position": "fill"
        "baseDir": "https://www.mit.edu/~kimscott/placeholderstimuli/",
        "audioTypes": [
        "autoProceed": true,
        "doRecording": false,
        "durationSeconds": 4,
        "parentTextBlock": {
            "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
            "title": "For parents"
        "showProgressBar": true
  4. Image plus audio, with ‘next’ button to move on

    "image-4": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "audio": "peekaboo",
        "images": [
                "id": "remy",
                "src": "peekaboo_remy.jpg",
                "position": "fill"
        "baseDir": "https://www.mit.edu/~kimscott/placeholderstimuli/",
        "audioTypes": [
        "autoProceed": false,
        "doRecording": false,
        "parentTextBlock": {
            "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
            "title": "For parents"
  5. Two images plus audio question asking child to point to one of the images, demonstrating different timing of image display & highlighting of images during audio

    "image-5": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "audio": "remyzennaintro",
        "images": [
                "id": "remy",
                "src": "scared_remy.jpg",
                "position": "left"
                "id": "zenna",
                "src": "love_zenna.jpg",
                "position": "right",
                "displayDelayMs": 1500
        "baseDir": "https://www.mit.edu/~kimscott/placeholderstimuli/",
        "highlights": [
                "range": [
                "imageId": "remy"
                "range": [
                "imageId": "zenna"
        "autoProceed": false,
        "doRecording": true,
        "parentTextBlock": {
            "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
            "title": "For parents"
  6. Three images with audio prompt, family has to click one of two to continue. Pausing is disabled.

    "image-6": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "audio": "matchremy",
        "images": [
                "id": "cue",
                "src": "happy_remy.jpg",
                "position": "center",
                "nonChoiceOption": true
                "id": "option1",
                "src": "happy_zenna.jpg",
                "position": "left",
                "displayDelayMs": 2000
                "id": "option2",
                "src": "annoyed_zenna.jpg",
                "position": "right",
                "displayDelayMs": 2000
        "baseDir": "https://www.mit.edu/~kimscott/placeholderstimuli/",
        "autoProceed": false,
        "doRecording": true,
        "choiceRequired": true,
        "parentTextBlock": {
            "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
            "title": "For parents"
        "canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished": true,
        "allowUserPause": false
  7. Three images with audio prompt, family has to click correct one to continue - audio feedback on incorrect answer

    "image-7": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "audio": "matchzenna",
        "images": [
                "id": "cue",
                "src": "sad_zenna.jpg",
                "position": "center",
                "nonChoiceOption": true
                "id": "option1",
                "src": "surprised_remy.jpg",
                "position": "left",
                "feedbackAudio": "negativefeedback",
                "displayDelayMs": 3500
                "id": "option2",
                "src": "sad_remy.jpg",
                "correct": true,
                "position": "right",
                "displayDelayMs": 3500
        "baseDir": "https://www.mit.edu/~kimscott/placeholderstimuli/",
        "autoProceed": false,
        "doRecording": true,
        "choiceRequired": true,
        "parentTextBlock": {
            "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
            "title": "For parents"
        "correctChoiceRequired": true,
        "canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished": false
  8. Three images with audio prompt, family has to click correct one to continue - text feedback on incorrect answer

    "image-8": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "audio": "matchzenna",
        "images": [
                "id": "cue",
                "src": "sad_zenna.jpg",
                "position": "center",
                "nonChoiceOption": true
                "id": "option1",
                "src": "surprised_remy.jpg",
                "position": "left",
                "feedbackText": "Try again! Remy looks surprised in that picture. Can you find the picture where he looks sad, like Zenna?",
                "displayDelayMs": 3500
                "id": "option2",
                "src": "sad_remy.jpg",
                "correct": true,
                "position": "right",
                "feedbackText": "Great job! Remy is sad in that picture, just like Zenna is sad.",
                "displayDelayMs": 3500
        "baseDir": "https://www.mit.edu/~kimscott/placeholderstimuli/",
        "autoProceed": false,
        "doRecording": true,
        "choiceRequired": true,
        "parentTextBlock": {
            "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
            "title": "For parents"
        "correctChoiceRequired": true,
        "canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished": false


doRecording [Boolean]

Whether to do webcam recording (will wait for webcam connection before starting audio or showing images if so)

autoProceed [Boolean | false]

Whether to proceed automatically when all conditions are met, vs. enabling next button at that point. If true: the next, previous, and replay buttons are hidden, and the frame auto-advances after ALL of the following happen

  1. the audio segment (if any) completes

  2. the durationSeconds (if any) is achieved

  3. a choice is made (if required)

  4. that choice is correct (if required)

  5. the choice audio (if any) completes

  6. the choice text (if any) is dismissed

If false: the next, previous, and replay buttons (as applicable) are displayed. It becomes possible to press ‘next’ only once the conditions above are met.

durationSeconds [Number | 0]

Minimum duration of frame in seconds. If set, then it will only be possible to proceed to the next frame after both the audio completes AND this duration is acheived.

showProgressBar [Boolean | false]

[Only used if durationSeconds set] Whether to show a progress bar based on durationSeconds in the parent text area.

showPreviousButton [Boolean | true]

[Only used if not autoProceed] Whether to show a previous button to allow the participant to go to the previous frame

showReplayButton [Boolean | true]

[Only used if not autoProceed AND if there is audio] Whether to show a replay button to allow the participant to replay the audio

maximizeDisplay [Boolean | false]

Whether to have the image display area take up the whole screen if possible. This will only apply if (a) there is no parent text and (b) there are no control buttons (next, previous, replay) because the frame auto-proceeds.

audio [String or Array | []]

Audio file to play at the start of this frame. This can either be an array of {src: ‘url’, type: ‘MIMEtype’} objects, e.g. listing equivalent .mp3 and .ogg files, or can be a single string filename which will be expanded based on baseDir and audioTypes values (see audioTypes).

parentTextBlock [Object | {}]

Text block to display to parent. (Each field is optional)


title to display


text paragraph of text


object specifying any css properties to apply to this section, and their values - e.g. {'color': 'gray', 'font-size': 'large'}

images [Array | []]

Array of images to display and information about their placement. For each image, you need to specify src (image name/URL) and placement (either by providing left/width/top values, or by using a position preset). Everything else is optional! This is where you would say that an image should be shown at a delay, or specify times to highlight particular images.


[String] unique ID for this image. This must not have any spaces or special characters and cannot start with a number.


[String] URL of image source. This can be a full URL, or relative to baseDir (see baseDir).


[String] alt-text for image in case it doesn’t load and for screen readers


[Number] left margin, as percentage of story area width. If not provided, the image is centered horizontally.


[Number] image width, as percentage of story area width. Note: in general only provide one of width and height; the other will be adjusted to preserve the image aspect ratio.


[Number] top margin, as percentage of story area height. If not provided, the image is centered vertically.


[Number] image height, as percentage of story area height. Note: in general only provide one of width and height; the other will be adjusted to preserve the image aspect ratio.


[String] one of ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’, ‘fill’ to use presets that place the image in approximately the left, center, or right third of the screen or to fill the screen as much as possible. This overrides left/width/top values if given.


[Boolean] [Only used if choiceRequired or choiceAllowed is true] whether this should be treated as a non-clickable option (e.g., this is a picture of a girl, and the child needs to choose whether the girl has a DOG or a CAT)


[Number] Delay at which to show the image after trial start (timing will be relative to any audio or to start of trial if no audio). Optional; default is to show images immediately.


[Array or String] [Only used if choiceRequired or choiceAllowed is true] Audio to play upon clicking this image. This can either be an array of {src: ‘url’, type: ‘MIMEtype’} objects, e.g. listing equivalent .mp3 and .ogg files, or can be a single string filename which will be expanded based on baseDir and audioTypes values (see audioTypes).


[String] [Only used if choiceRequired or choiceAllowed is true] Text to display in a dialogue window upon clicking the image.

backgroundColor [String | 'black']

Color of background. See CSS specs for acceptable syntax: can use color names (‘blue’, ‘red’, ‘green’, etc.), or rgb hex values (e.g. ‘#800080’ - include the ‘#’)

pageColor [String | 'white']

Color of area where images are shown, if different from overall background. Defaults to backgroundColor if one is provided. See CSS specs for acceptable syntax: can use color names (‘blue’, ‘red’, ‘green’, etc.), or rgb hex values (e.g. ‘#800080’ - include the ‘#’)

choiceAllowed [Boolean | false]

Whether the user may click on images to select them.

choiceRequired [Boolean | false]

Whether the user is able to select the images (overrides choiceAllowed if choiceAllowed is false)

correctChoiceRequired [Boolean | false]

[Only used if choiceRequired is true] Whether the participant has to select one of the correct images before proceeding.

canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished [Boolean | false]

Whether the participant can make a choice before audio finishes. (Only relevant if choiceRequired or choiceAllowed` is true.)

highlights [Array | []]

Array representing times when particular images should be highlighted. Each element of the array should be of the form {'range': [3.64, 7.83], 'imageId': 'myImageId'}. The two range values are the start and end times of the highlight in seconds, relative to the audio played. The imageId corresponds to the id of an element of images. Highlights can overlap in time. Any that go longer than the audio will just be ignored/cut off. One strategy for generating a bunch of highlights for a longer story is to annotate using Audacity and export the labels to get the range values.


[Array] [startTimeInSeconds, endTimeInSeconds], e.g. [3.64, 7.83]


[String] ID of the image to highlight, corresponding to the id field of the element of images to highlight

Data collected

The fields added specifically for this frame type are:

images [Array]

Array of images used in this frame [same as passed to this frame, but may reflect random assignment for this particular participant]

selectedImage [String]

ID of image selected at time of proceeding

correctImageSelected [Boolean]

Whether image selected at time of proceeding is marked as correct

audioPlayed [String]

Source URL of audio played, if any. If multiple sources provided (e.g. mp4 and ogg versions) just the first is stored.

Events recorded

The events recorded specifically by this frame are:


When video begins playing (recorded each time video starts if played through more than once)


When main audio segment is replayed


Trial is complete and attempting to move to next frame; may wait for recording to catch up before proceeding.


When main audio segment finishes playing


Timer for set-duration trial begins


Timer for set-duration trial ends


When main audio segment starts playing


When main audio cannot be started. In this case we treat it as if the audio was completed (for purposes of allowing participant to proceed)


When images are displayed to participant (for images without any delay added)


When a specific image is shown at a delay.


[String] ID of image shown


When one of the image options is clicked during a choice frame


[String] ID of the image selected


[Boolean] whether this image is marked as correct


When image/feedback audio is started


[String] ID of the associated image


When image/feedback audio cannot be started. In this case we treat it as if the audio was completed (for purposes of allowing participant to proceed)


[String] ID of the associated image


When the participant dismisses a feedback dialogue


[String] ID of the associated image

Updating from deprecated frames

Updating an exp-lookit-preferential-looking frame

There are up to four phases in the exp-lookit-preferential-looking frame, each of which will become its own frame:

  • An “announcement” with audio and a small attention-getter video. If using, turn this into an exp-lookit-video frame.

  • An intro where the “introVideo” is played until it ends. If using, turn this into an exp-lookit-video frame.

  • Calibration where a video is shown at various locations. If using, turn this into an exp-lookit-calibration frame.

  • A test trial where images or a video are displayed. If using images, turn this into an exp-lookit-images-audio frame (see below).

Consider the following trial which has all four phases:

"sample-trial": {
    "kind": "exp-lookit-preferential-looking",
    "baseDir": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lookitcontents/labelsconcepts/",
    "audioTypes": [
    "videoTypes": [

    "announcementVideo": "attentiongrabber",
    "announcementAudio": "video_02",
    "announcementLength": 2,

    "introVideo": "cropped_book",

    "calibrationLength": 0,
    "calibrationAudio": "chimes",
    "calibrationVideo": "attentiongrabber",

    "pauseAudio": "pause",
    "unpauseAudio": "return_after_pause",

    "testAudio": "400Hz_tones",
    "loopTestAudio": false,
    "leftImage": "stapler_test_02.jpg",
    "rightImage": "novel_02.jpg",
    "testLength": 8,

To create the test trial portion as an exp-lookit-images-audio frame, we will:

  1. Change the “kind” and keep the baseDir, audioTypes, and videoTypes if present. We will also set autoProceed and doRecording to true since we want to continue automatically after the test is over and do video recording (unless you’re using session recording).

    "test-trial": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio", <-- update the "kind"
        "baseDir": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lookitcontents/labelsconcepts/", <-- keep this the same
        "audioTypes": [ <-- keep this the same
        "videoTypes": [ <-- keep this the same
        "autoProceed": true,
        "doRecording": true
  2. Then we need to add the images and the audio. The leftImage and rightImage will each end up being an element of images. If there’s a centerImage instead, you can insert it the same way (using "position": "center").

    "test-trial": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "images": [
                "id": "left" <-- you can actually name this whatever you want
                "src": "stapler_test_02.jpg", <-- "leftImage"
                "position": "left"
                "id": "right" <-- you can actually name this whatever you want
                "src": "novel_02.jpg", <-- "rightImage"
                "position": "right"
        "audio": "400Hz_tones" <-- "testAudio"

    Note that it is not yet possible to make the audio loop. If you need audio to loop, for now please create a version of the file where it repeats for as long as the trial.

    If you were using leftImageIndex, rightImageIndex, centerImageIndex, and possibleImages, you can now specify those instead using frame parameters:

    "test-trial": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "images": [
                "id": "left" <-- you can actually name this whatever you want
                "src": "POSSIBLEIMAGES#1", <-- "POSSIBLEIMAGES#leftImageIndex
                "position": "left"
                "id": "right" <-- you can actually name this whatever you want
                "src": "POSSIBLEIMAGES#0", <-- "POSSIBLEIMAGES#rightImageIndex
                "position": "right"
        "audio": "400Hz_tones" <-- "testAudio",
        "parameters": {
            "POSSIBLEIMAGES": ["novel_02.jpg", "stapler_test_02.jpg"]

Updating an exp-lookit-story-page frame

This frame is very similar, and only minor adjustments need to be made to update.

  1. Change your frame “kind” from “exp-lookit-story-page” to “exp-lookit-images-audio”

  2. Change any “left”, “width”, “top”, “bottom” properties of your images to numbers instead of strings - e.g., change

    "images": [
            "id": "leftA",
            "src": "flurps1.jpg",
            "left": "10",
            "width": "30",
            "top": "34.47"


    "images": [
            "id": "leftA",
            "src": "flurps1.jpg",
            "left": 10,
            "width": 30,
            "top": 34.47

    You also now have the option to use the preset “position” property instead if you prefer.

  3. Remove the “audioSources” parameter. Move the “sources” property of its first element to an “audio” property of the frame, and its “highlights” property to a property of the frame, like this:

    "original-frame": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-story-page",
        "audioSources": [
                "audioId": "firstAudio",
                "sources": "intro1",
                "highlights": [
                    {"range": [3.017343,    5.600283], "image":     "leftA"},
                    {"range": [5.752911,    8.899402], "image":     "rightA"}


    "new-frame": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "audio": "intro1",
        "highlights": [
            {"range": [3.017343,    5.600283], "image":     "leftA"},
            {"range": [5.752911,    8.899402], "image":     "rightA"}

    If you had multiple audio files in the “audioSources” list, you will need to make a separate frame for each of them, or combine them.

Updating an exp-lookit-dialogue-page frame

This frame is very similar, and only minor adjustments need to be made to update.

Note: animations of the images (flying in from one side, etc.) are not available; however, images can be made to appear at a particular delay.

Images cannot be associated with text (“Click to hear what he said!”) etc. and the participant cannot be required to click on each image. However, the images can be associated with audio or text feedback shown/played upon clicking, and a “correct” response can be required to move on.

  1. Change your frame “kind” from “exp-lookit-dialogue-page” to “exp-lookit-images-audio”

  2. Change any “left”, “width”, “top”, “bottom” properties of your images to numbers instead of strings - e.g., change

    "images": [
            "id": "leftA",
            "src": "flurps1.jpg",
            "left": "10",
            "width": "30",
            "top": "34.47"


    "images": [
            "id": "leftA",
            "src": "flurps1.jpg",
            "left": 10,
            "width": 30,
            "top": 34.47

    You also now have the option to use the preset “position” property instead if you prefer.

  3. Remove the “audioSources” parameter. Move the “sources” property of its first element to an “audio” property of the frame, like this:

    "original-frame": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-story-page",
        "audioSources": [
                "audioId": "firstAudio",
                "sources": "intro1"


    "new-frame": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
        "audio": "intro1",

    If you had multiple audio files in the “audioSources” list, you will need to make a separate frame for each of them, or combine them.

  4. Rename the “isChoiceFrame” parameter to “choiceRequired”. Note that you now have additional options for providing feedback as well as requiring a correct choice to move on.

  5. If you were using a backgroundImage, turn it into the first image in your image list, with "left": 0, "width": "100", "top": 0, "height": 100.