All frames support…

All Lookit frames share some common features. While frame-specific features are described on the pages for those frames, like exp-lookit-video, you can also use any of the parameters listed here to customize any frame, and will receive the data and events described here.


All frames (with the exception of exp-lookit-mood-questionnaire) support basic translation, although availability of particular languages is subject to someone having handled translations for that language. If the language you want to test in isn’t available, you can add it!

language [String]

Language to present the frame(s) in. This is specified using the two-letter language code (and sometimes a subtag indicating the language variant) - see options listed below. The default is “en-us”. If we have a translation file for the language specified, then the frame’s standard “hard-coded” text will be translated to this language. The value of the “language” field will persist across frames once set, so you can set it once at the start of your study to set the language for all frames.

Things that are translated:

  • Button labels that cannot be modified using another frame parameter (e.g. “Pause”, “Resume”, “Reload webcam”)

  • Default text in the consent frames

  • The exit frame survey

  • Any other text/messages that the participant might see that cannot be customized with other frame parameters

Things that are NOT translated:

  • Default values that you can already customize using frame parameters (e.g. most “Next” button labels)

  • Any other text that you provide in the frame parameters

To see the specific text strings that are translated, along with their values for each language, see the translations directory in the Lookit Github repository.

The current options for the language parameter are:

  • ‘en-us’: English, US

  • ‘eu’: Basque

  • ‘fr’: French

  • ‘hu’: Hungarian

  • ‘it’: Italian

  • ‘ja’: Japanese

  • ‘nl’: Dutch

  • ‘pt’: Portuguese

  • ‘pt-br’: Portuguese, Brazil

To add another language option, please contact Lookit staff. You will need to make a copy of the English translation file and translate the text after the colon on each line, leaving everything else the same. You can see an example here. There are three special cases:

  • If there’s HTML formatting, leave it be (just edit the text). E.g. <strong>Private</strong> became <strong>Privé:</strong> in Dutch.

  • If there are values inside {}, don’t translate them, just use them as placeholders: e.g., private-option-list-with-databrary: de Lookit projectstaf, onderzoekers die werken met {contact} ...

  • When you see something starting {variable_name, select, true {X} other {Y}}, translate X and Y only. These correspond to what text to show in two different scenarios: when variable_name is true and when it’s false. The primary way we use this is to edit the consent form (template 5+ only) when it’s intended to be used by an adult only, rather than parent and child.

There are several parameters that ALL frames accept to allow you to customize the study “flow,” which are:

selectNextFrame [String]

Function to select which frame index to go to when using the ‘next’ action on this frame. Allows flexible looping / short-circuiting based on what has happened so far in the study (e.g., once the child answers N questions correctly, move on to next segment). Must be a valid Javascript function, returning a number from 0 through frames.length - 1, provided as a string.

Arguments that will be provided are: frames, frameIndex, expData, sequence, child, pastSessions

frames is an ordered list of frame configurations for this study; each element is an object corresponding directly to a frame you defined in the JSON document for this study (but with any randomizer frames resolved into the particular frames that will be used this time).

frameIndex is the index in frames of the current frame

expData is an object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs; the data associated with a particular frame depends on the frame kind.

sequence is an ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to the keys in expData.

child is an object that has the following properties - use child.get(propertyName) to access:

  • additionalInformation: String; additional information field from child form

  • ageAtBirth: String; child’s gestational age at birth in weeks. Possible values are “24” through “39”, “na” (not sure or prefer not to answer), “<24” (under 24 weeks), and “40>” (40 or more weeks).

  • birthday: timestamp in format “Mon Apr 10 2017 20:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)”

  • gender: “f” (female), “m” (male), “o” (other), or “na” (prefer not to answer)

  • givenName: String, child’s given name/nickname

  • id: String, child UUID

pastSessions is a list of previous response objects for this child and this study, ordered starting from most recent (at index 0 is this session!). Each has properties (access as pastSessions[i].get(propertyName)):

  • completed: Boolean, whether they submitted an exit survey

  • completedConsentFrame: Boolean, whether they got through at least a consent frame

  • conditions: Object representing any conditions assigned by randomizer frames

  • createdOn: timestamp in format “Thu Apr 18 2019 12:33:26 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)”

  • expData: Object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs

  • globalEventTimings: list of any events stored outside of individual frames - currently just used for attempts to leave the study early

  • sequence: ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to keys in expData

Example that just sends us to the last frame of the study no matter what: "function(frames, frameIndex, frameData, expData, sequence, child, pastSessions) {return frames.length - 1;}"`

Example that just sends us to the next frame no matter what: "function(frames, frameIndex, frameData, expData, sequence, child, pastSessions) {return frameIndex + 1;}"`

generateProperties [String]

Function to generate additional properties for this frame (like {“kind”: “exp-lookit-text”}) at the time the frame is initialized. Allows behavior of study to depend on what has happened so far (e.g., answers on a form or to previous test trials). Must be a valid Javascript function, returning an object, provided as a string.

Arguments that will be provided are: expData, sequence, child, pastSessions, conditions.

expData, sequence, and conditions are the same data as would be found in the session data shown on the Lookit experimenter interface under ‘Individual Responses’, except that they will only contain information up to this point in the study:

  • expData is an object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs; the data associated with a particular frame depends on the frame kind.

  • sequence is an ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to the keys in expData.

  • conditions is an object representing the data stored by any randomizer frames; each key is a frameId for a randomizer frame and data stored depends on the randomizer used.

  • child is an object that has the following properties - use child.get(propertyName) to access:

    • additionalInformation: String; additional information field from child form

    • ageAtBirth: String; child’s gestational age at birth in weeks. Possible values are “24” through “39”, “na” (not sure or prefer not to answer), “<24” (under 24 weeks), and “40>” (40 or more weeks).

    • birthday: Date object

    • gender: “f” (female), “m” (male), “o” (other), or “na” (prefer not to answer)

    • givenName: String, child’s given name/nickname

    • id: String, child UUID

    • languageList: String, space-separated list of languages child is exposed to (2-letter codes)

    • conditionList: String, space-separated list of conditions/characteristics of child from registration form, as used in criteria expression, e.g. “autism_spectrum_disorder deaf multiple_birth”

  • pastSessions is a list of previous response objects for this child and this study, ordered starting from most recent (at index 0 is this session!). Each has properties (access as pastSessions[i].get(propertyName)):

    • completed: Boolean, whether they submitted an exit survey

    • completedConsentFrame: Boolean, whether they got through at least a consent frame

    • conditions: Object representing any conditions assigned by randomizer frames

    • createdOn: Date object

    • expData: Object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs

    • globalEventTimings: list of any events stored outside of individual frames - currently just used for attempts to leave the study early

    • sequence: ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to keys in expData

    • isPreview: Boolean, whether this is from a preview session (possible in the event this is an experimenter’s account)


function(expData, sequence, child, pastSessions, conditions) {
 return {
                 'text': 'Name: ' + child.get('givenName')
                 'text': 'Frame number: ' + sequence.length
                 'text': 'N past sessions: ' + pastSessions.length

Note: This example is split across lines for readability; when added to JSON it would need to be on one line.


An object containing values for any parameters (variables) to use in this frame. Any property VALUES in this frame that match any of the property NAMES in parameters will be replaced by the corresponding parameter value. For details, see Frame parameters.

There are also some miscellaneous parameters you can set on any frame:

id [String]

Setting the id explicitly allows you to override the frame ID that will be used in data downloads and video filenames. This may be useful to identify specific frames within randomizers or frame groups.

displayFullscreenOverride [Boolean | false]

Set to true to display this frame in fullscreen mode, even if the frame type is not always displayed fullscreen. (For instance, you might use this to keep a survey between test trials in fullscreen mode.)

startSessionRecording [Boolean | false]

Whether to start a session (multi-frame) recording as soon as possible upon loading this frame. It is recommended to use the dedicated frame exp-lookit-start-recording to start a session recording instead of adding this to an arbitrary frame.

Session recording allows you to to conduct video recording across multiple frames, simply specifying which frame to start and end on. Individual frames may also provide frame-specific recording capabilities; it is best NOT to conduct both a multiframe ‘session’ recording and frame-specific recording simultaneously as multiple video streams will eat up bandwidth. If you decide to use session recording, turn off recording for any frames that would otherwise record. There can be multiple session recordings in an experiment, e.g. from frames 1-3 and 5-10.

sessionMaxUploadSeconds: [Number | 10]

Maximum time allowed for whole-session video upload before proceeding, in seconds. Only used if endSessionRecording is true. Can be overridden by researcher, based on tradeoff between making families wait and losing data.

endSessionRecording [Boolean | false]

Whether to end any session (multi-frame) recording at the end of this frame. It is recommended to use the dedicated frame exp-lookit-stop-recording to stop a session recording instead of adding this to an arbitrary frame.

Data collected


Any properties generated via a custom generateProperties function provided to this frame (e.g., a score you computed to decide on feedback). In general will be null.


Duration between frame being inserted and call to next


Type of frame: EXIT (exit survey), CONSENT (consent or assent frame), or DEFAULT


Ordered list of events captured during this frame (oldest to newest). See “Events recorded” below as well as events specific to the particular frame type.

Events recorded

Events recorded by a frame will be available inside the expData for this session and frame. If the frame ID is '0-video-config', then you could find a list of events in expData['0-video-config']['eventTimings'].

Each event is an object with at least the properties:


the name of the event - like 'nextFrame' below


the time when the event happened

Some events may have additional properties, which will be listed under the event description on the relevant frame.

The events recorded by the base frame are:


When moving to next frame


When moving to previous frame