Protocol generators

Although your study protocol JSON can be configured to handle a wide range of common condition assignment, counterbalancing, and conditional logic schemes, in some cases it may still be more natural to programmatically generate the protocol. For instance, you might want to use a protocol generator in cases of:

  • Complex counterbalancing schemes: for instance, ensuring you use each image from each set exactly once for training and once for test in a preferential looking task, without repeating any pairings

  • Complex stimulus/protocol generation: for instance, you want to generate a random Sudoku board and create a sequence of frames guiding the child through it

  • Complex longitudinal assignment: for instance, you have three tasks to be completed between 6 and 12 months and three tasks to be completed between 18 and 24 months, and want to assign children to the appropriate task based on their age and what they’ve already completed

What generateProtocol should return

Your protocol generator should return a single object with fields “frames” and “sequence” - exactly like the protocol specification JSON. In fact, JSON is valid Javascript: you can copy and paste your protocol specification right into the generator function to get started!

What information it has access to

The generateProtocol function receives two arguments, child and pastSessions.

The child and the elements of the array pastSessions are Ember objects and do not behave exactly like regular Javascript objects. Here child is an Ember object representing the child currently participating in this study. You can access the following fields using child.get(<fieldName>), e.g. child.get('givenName'):

  • givenName (string)

  • birthday (Date)

  • gender (string, ‘m’ / ‘f’ / ‘o’)

  • ageAtBirth (string, e.g. ‘25 weeks’. One of ‘40 or more weeks’, ‘39 weeks’ through ‘24 weeks’, ‘Under 24 weeks’, or ‘Not sure or prefer not to answer’)

  • additionalInformation (string) freeform “anything else we should know” field on child registration

  • languageList (string) space-separated list of languages child is exposed to (2-letter codes)

  • conditionList (string) space-separated list of conditions/characteristics of child from registration form, as used in criteria expression - e.g. “autism_spectrum_disorder deaf multiple_birth”

pastSessions is an array of Ember objects representing past sessions for this child and this study, in reverse time order: pastSessions[0] is THIS session, pastSessions[1] the previous sessions, and so on. Each session has the following fields, corresponding to information available for download on Lookit, which can be accessed as pastSessions[i].get(<fieldName>):

(Note: ANY instance of a participant opening a study will be recorded as a session in pastSessions, so make sure to use these fields to filter the sessions for what you’re looking for, e.g. all sessions where consent has been completed, where the whole study has been completed, etc.)

  • createdOn (Date)

  • conditions

  • expData

  • sequence

  • completed

  • globalEventTimings

  • completedConsentFrame

  • demographicSnapshot

  • isPreview

Empty template

Here is the default value for the protocol generator - an empty template with comments explaining what the arguments are.

function generateProtocol(child, pastSessions) {
     * Generate the protocol for this study.
     * @param {Object} child
     *    The child currently participating in this study. Includes fields:
     *      givenName (string)
     *      birthday (Date)
     *      gender (string, 'm' / 'f' / 'o')
     *      ageAtBirth (string, e.g. '25 weeks'. One of '40 or more weeks',
     *          '39 weeks' through '24 weeks', 'Under 24 weeks', or
     *          'Not sure or prefer not to answer')
     *      additionalInformation (string)
     *      languageList (string) space-separated list of languages child is
     *          exposed to (2-letter codes)
     *      conditionList (string) space-separated list of conditions/characteristics
     *          of child from registration form, as used in criteria expression
     *          - e.g. "autism_spectrum_disorder deaf multiple_birth"
     *      Use child.get to access these fields: e.g., child.get('givenName') returns
     *      the child's given name.
     * @param {!Array<Object>} pastSessions
     *     List of past sessions for this child and this study, in reverse time order:
     *     pastSessions[0] is THIS session, pastSessions[1] the previous session,
     *     back to pastSessions[pastSessions.length - 1] which has the very first
     *     session.
     *     Each session has the following fields, corresponding to values available
     *     in Lookit:
     *     createdOn (Date)
     *     conditions
     *     expData
     *     sequence
     *     completed
     *     globalEventTimings
     *     completedConsentFrame (note - this list will include even "responses")
     *          where the user did not complete the consent form!
     *     demographicSnapshot
     *     isPreview
     * @return {Object} Protocol specification for Lookit study; object with 'frames'
     *    and 'sequence' keys.

    // Return a study protocol with "frames" and "sequence" fields just like when
    // defining the protocol in JSON only
    return {
        frames: {},
        sequence: []


Returning different protocols based on age

Here is a simple “study” where the protocol returned is different depending on the child’s age:

function generateProtocol(child, pastSessions) {

    let one_day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // ms in one day
    let child_age_in_days = -1;
    try {
        child_age_in_days = (new Date() - child.get('birthday')) / one_day;
    } catch (error) {
        // Display what the error was for debugging, but continue with fake
        // age in case we can't calculate age for some reason
    child_age_in_days = child_age_in_days || -1; // If undefined/null, set to default

    // Define frames that will be used for both the baby and toddler versions of the study
    let frames = {
        "video-config": {
            "kind": "exp-video-config",
            "troubleshootingIntro": "If you're having any trouble getting your webcam set up, please feel free to email the XYZ lab at and we'd be glad to help out!"
        "video-consent": {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-video-consent",
            "PIName": "Jane Smith",
            "datause": "We are primarily interested in your child's emotional reactions to the images and sounds. A research assistant will watch your video to measure the precise amount of delight in your child's face as he or she sees each cat picture.",
            "payment": "After you finish the study, we will email you a $5 BabyStore gift card within approximately three days. To be eligible for the gift card your child must be in the age range for this study, you need to submit a valid consent statement, and we need to see that there is a child with you. But we will send a gift card even if you do not finish the whole study or we are not able to use your child's data! There are no other direct benefits to you or your child from participating, but we hope you will enjoy the experience.",
            "purpose": "Why do babies love cats? This study will help us find out whether babies love cats because of their soft fur or their twitchy tails.",
            "PIContact": "Jane Smith at 123 456 7890",
            "procedures": "Your child will be shown pictures of lots of different cats, along with noises that cats make like meowing and purring. We are interested in which pictures and sounds make your child smile. We will ask you (the parent) to turn around to avoid influencing your child's responses. There are no anticipated risks associated with participating.",
            "institution": "Science University"
        "exit-survey": {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-exit-survey",
            "debriefing": {
                "text": "Here is where you would enter debriefing information for the family. This is a chance to explain the purpose of your study and how the family helped. At this point it's more obvious to the participant that skimming the info is fine if they're not super-interested, so you can elaborate in ways you might have avoided ahead of time in the interest of keeping instructions short. You may want to mention the various conditions kids were assigned to if you didn't before, and try to head off any concerns parents might have about how their child 'did' on the study, especially if there are 'correct' answers that will have been obvious to a parent. <br><br> It is great if you can link people to a layperson-accessible article on a related topic - e.g., media coverage of one of your previous studies in this research program, a talk on Youtube, a parenting resource. <br><br> If you are compensating participants, restate what the compensation is (and any conditions, and let them know when to expect their payment! E.g.: To thank you for your participation, we'll be emailing you a $4 Amazon gift card - this should arrive in your inbox within the next week after we confirm your consent video and check that your child is in the age range for this study. (If you don't hear from us by then, feel free to reach out!) If you participate again with another child in the age range, you'll receive one gift card per child.",
                "title": "Thank you!"

    // Add a "test frame" that's different depending on the child's age.
    // You could actually be defining whole separate protocols here (e.g. for
    // a longitudinal study with a bunch of timepoints), using different stimuli
    // in the same frames, just customizing instructions, etc.

    // If the age is -1 because there was some error, they'll get the baby version.
    if (child_age_in_days <= 365) {
        frames["test-frame"] = {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-instructions",
            "blocks": [
                    "title": "[Example text for BABY version of study]",
                    "listblocks": [
                            "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."
                            "text": "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur."
            "showWebcam": false,
            "nextButtonText": "Finish up"
    } else {
        frames["test-frame"] = {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-instructions",
            "blocks": [
                    "title": "[Example text for TODDLER version of study]",
                    "listblocks": [
                            "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."
                            "text": "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur."
            "showWebcam": false,
            "nextButtonText": "Finish up"

    // Sequence of frames is the same in both cases, the 'test-frame' will just
    // be differently defined base on age.
    let frame_sequence = ['video-config', 'video-consent', 'test-frame', 'exit-survey']

    // Return a study protocol with "frames" and "sequence" fields just like when
    // defining the protocol in JSON only
    return {
        frames: frames,
        sequence: frame_sequence

Alternating question types each session

Here is an example of using information in pastSessions to determine the protocol for this session. In this case, we just look at what the child did last, and switch to the opposite trial type for this time. (Note that this could also be done using the conditionForAdditionalSessions parameter of the random-parameter-set randomizer; however, more complex longitudinal designs may benefit from programmatic specification.)

function generateProtocol(child, pastSessions) {

    // Assign condition randomly as fallback/initial value. This will be true/false
    // with equal probability.
    let is_happy_condition = Math.random() > 0.5;

    try {
        // First, find the most recent session where the participant got to the point
        // of the "test trial"
        var mostRecentSession = pastSessions.find(
            sess => Object.keys(sess.get('expData', {})).some(frId => frId.endsWith('-match-emotion')));
        // If there is such a session, find out what condition they were in that time
        // and flip it
        if (mostRecentSession) {
            let expData = mostRecentSession.get('expData', {});
            let frameKey = Object.keys(expData).find(frId => frId.endsWith('-match-emotion'));
            // Flip condition from last time: do happy condition this time if last
            // time 'happy' was NOT in the *-match-emotion frame ID
            is_happy_condition = !(frameKey.includes('happy'));
    } catch (error) {
        // Just in case - wrap the above in a try block so we fall back to
        // random assignment if something is weird about the pastSessions data

    // Define all possible frames that might be used
    let frames = {
        "intro": {
            "blocks": [{
                    "text": "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.",
                    "title": "[Introduction frame]"
                    "text": "Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt."
                    "text": "Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem."
            "showPreviousButton": false,
            "kind": "exp-lookit-text"
        "happy-match-emotion": {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
            "audio": "matchremy",
            "images": [{
                    "id": "cue",
                    "src": "happy_remy.jpg",
                    "position": "center",
                    "nonChoiceOption": true
                    "id": "option1",
                    "src": "happy_zenna.jpg",
                    "position": "left",
                    "displayDelayMs": 2000
                    "id": "option2",
                    "src": "annoyed_zenna.jpg",
                    "position": "right",
                    "displayDelayMs": 2000
            "baseDir": "",
            "autoProceed": false,
            "doRecording": false,
            "choiceRequired": true,
            "parentTextBlock": {
                "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
                "title": "For parents"
            "canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished": true
        "sad-match-emotion": {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
            "audio": "matchzenna",
            "images": [{
                    "id": "cue",
                    "src": "sad_zenna.jpg",
                    "position": "center",
                    "nonChoiceOption": true
                    "id": "option1",
                    "src": "surprised_remy.jpg",
                    "position": "left",
                    "feedbackAudio": "negativefeedback",
                    "displayDelayMs": 3500
                    "id": "option2",
                    "src": "sad_remy.jpg",
                    "correct": true,
                    "position": "right",
                    "displayDelayMs": 3500
            "baseDir": "",
            "autoProceed": false,
            "doRecording": false,
            "choiceRequired": true,
            "parentTextBlock": {
                "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
                "title": "For parents"
            "canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished": true
        "exit-survey": {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-exit-survey",
            "debriefing": {
                "text": "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. <br> <br> Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. <br> <br> Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.",
                "title": "Thank you!"

    // Construct the sequence based on the condition.
    let frame_sequence = [
        is_happy_condition ? "happy-match-emotion" : "sad-match-emotion",

    // Return a study protocol with "frames" and "sequence" fields just like when
    // defining the protocol in JSON only
    return {
        frames: frames,
        sequence: frame_sequence

Randomizing but preventing re-use of stimuli across trials

Here is an example of a counterbalancing structure that benefits from being able to programmatically describe the study protocol.

On each test trial, the infant sees two images, one on the right and one on the left, from two different categories. Audio matching one of the two categories is played. There are three categories: “adorable,” “delicious,” and “exciting.” The infant should see each possible pairing of categories twice, once with audio matching each category. This makes six trials (adorable-delicious, adorable-exciting, delicious-exciting x 2 audio choices each). There are four images for each category. Each should be used exactly once during the study. The left/right placement of the images should be determined randomly.

function generateProtocol(child, pastSessions) {

    // -------- Helper functions ----------------------------------------------

    // See
    // Returns a new array with elements of the array in random order.
    function shuffle(array) {
        var shuffled = Ember.$.extend(true, [], array); // deep copy array
        for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
            var temp = shuffled[i];
            shuffled[i] = shuffled[j];
            shuffled[j] = temp;
        return shuffled;

    // Returns a random element of an array, and removes that element from the array
    function pop_random(array) {
        if (array.length) {
            let randIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length);
            return array.splice(randIndex, 1)[0];
        return null;

    // -------- End helper functions -------------------------------------------

    // Define common (non-test-trial) frames
    let frames = {
        "video-config": {
            "kind": "exp-video-config",
            "troubleshootingIntro": "If you're having any trouble getting your webcam set up, please feel free to email the XYZ lab at and we'd be glad to help out!"
        "video-consent": {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-video-consent",
            "PIName": "Jane Smith",
            "datause": "We are primarily interested in your child's emotional reactions to the images and sounds. A research assistant will watch your video to measure the precise amount of delight in your child's face as he or she sees each cat picture.",
            "payment": "After you finish the study, we will email you a $5 BabyStore gift card within approximately three days. To be eligible for the gift card your child must be in the age range for this study, you need to submit a valid consent statement, and we need to see that there is a child with you. But we will send a gift card even if you do not finish the whole study or we are not able to use your child's data! There are no other direct benefits to you or your child from participating, but we hope you will enjoy the experience.",
            "purpose": "Why do babies love cats? This study will help us find out whether babies love cats because of their soft fur or their twitchy tails.",
            "PIContact": "Jane Smith at 123 456 7890",
            "procedures": "Your child will be shown pictures of lots of different cats, along with noises that cats make like meowing and purring. We are interested in which pictures and sounds make your child smile. We will ask you (the parent) to turn around to avoid influencing your child's responses. There are no anticipated risks associated with participating.",
            "institution": "Science University"
        "exit-survey": {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-exit-survey",
            "debriefing": {
                "text": "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. <br> <br> Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. <br> <br> Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.",
                "title": "Thank you!"

    // Start off the frame sequence with config/consent frames; we'll add test
    // trials as we construct them
    let frame_sequence = ['video-config', 'video-consent']

    // start at a random point in this list and cycle through across trials.
    // each element is a list: category1, category2, audio.
    // category1 and category2 match up to keys in available_images; audio
    // should be filenames in baseDir/mp3
    let all_category_pairings = [

    // Every image is just used once total, either as a target or as a distractor.
    // We'll remove the images from these lists as they get used.
    let available_images = {
        "adorable": [
        "delicious": [
        "exciting": [

    // Make a deep copy of the original available images, in case we run out
    // (e.g. after adding additional trials) and need to "refill" a category.
    let all_images = Ember.$.extend(true, {}, available_images)

    // Choose a random starting point and order for the category pairings
    let ordered_category_pairings = shuffle(all_category_pairings)

    for (iTrial = 0; iTrial < 6; iTrial++) {

        let category_pairing = ordered_category_pairings[iTrial]
        let category_id_1 = category_pairing[0]
        let category_id_2 = category_pairing[1]
        let audio = category_pairing[2]

        // "Refill" available images if empty
        if (!available_images[category_id_1].length) {
            available_images[category_id_1] = all_images[category_id_1]
        if (!available_images[category_id_2].length) {
            available_images[category_id_2] = all_images[category_id_2]

        let image1 = pop_random(available_images[category_id_1])
        let image2 = pop_random(available_images[category_id_2])

        let left_right_pairing = shuffle(["left", "right"])

        thisTrial = {
            "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
            "audio": audio,
            "images": [{
                    "id": "option1-test",
                    "src": image1,
                    "position": left_right_pairing[0]
                    "id": "option2-test",
                    "src": image2,
                    "position": left_right_pairing[1]
            "baseDir": "",
            "pageColor": "gray",
            "audioTypes": [
            "autoProceed": true

        // Store this frame in frames and in the sequence
        frameId = 'test-trial-' + (iTrial + 1)
        frames[frameId] = thisTrial;

    // Finish up the frame sequence with the exit survey
    frame_sequence = frame_sequence.concat(['exit-survey'])

    // Return a study protocol with "frames" and "sequence" fields just like when
    // defining the protocol in JSON only
    return {
        frames: frames,
        sequence: frame_sequence

Customizing text based on the child’s gender

Here is a snippet showing how you might generate text to use in a study to match the child’s gender:

let gender = child.get('gender');
let _KID = 'kid';
let _THEY = 'they';
let _THEIR = 'their';
let _THEIRS = 'theirs';
let _THEM = 'them';

if (gender == 'f') {
    _KID = 'girl';
    _THEY = 'she';
    _THEIR = 'her';
    _THEIRS = 'hers';
    _THEM = 'her';
} else if (gender == 'm') {
    _KID = 'boy';
    _THEY = 'he';
    _THEIR = 'his';
    _THEIRS = 'his';
    _THEM = 'him';

let storyText = `Once upon a time there was a ${_KID} named
    Jamie. Jamie liked going to the lake with ${_THEIR} family.
    One day, ${_THEY} decided to try to swim all the way across.`

Accessing child’s languages

Here is a snippet showing how you might access information in the child’s languageList:

// child.get('languageList') returns a string like 'en' or 'en my';
// transform to a list of two-letter codes like ['en'] or ['en', 'my']
let languageList = child.get('languageList').split(' ');
if (!languageList.length) {
    // Empty list of languages - no language data stored, possibly because
    // family registered before this was included in the child form.
    // Depending on study might include language survey in this case.
} else if (languageList.includes('es')) {
    // Child hears at least Spanish
} else {
    // Child has language data but is not exposed to Spanish

Accessing child’s conditions

Here is a snippet showing how you might access information in the child’s conditionList:

let conditionList = child.get('conditionList').split(' ');
if (conditionList.includes('autism_spectrum_disorder')) {
    // child identified as having ASD
} else {
    // otherwise...

Checking whether the child has already completed the study

The Lookit infrastructure allows you to add the study itself to the ‘Must not have participated’ study field, so that children are not eligible if they have already participated in the study. However, ‘participation’ in this case is defined as having started the study, whereas you may only want to only consider a child ineligible if they have _completed_ the study (or reached some other specific point during the session).

This example shows how to check the pastSessions for this study and child, to see if the child is marked as complete for any past sessions. If so, you could show an additional frame at the start of the study to warn families that they are no longer eligible for compensation. This example works by checking the complete field in the previous session data, but you could also check for participation up to a particular point in the study by searching the sequence for specific frames.

function generateProtocol(child, pastSessions) {

    let ineligible = false;

    // Check whether this child has done this study before AND finished it
    try {
        let completedSessions = pastSessions.some(function(session) {
            return session.completed === true;
        if (completedSessions) {
            ineligible = true;
    } catch (error) {
        // Wrap the above in a try block so that we can use a default protocol if there's an error

    // Set the default study protocol
    let protocol = {
        frames: {
            "start-study": {
                "kind": "exp-lookit-text",
                "blocks": [{
                    "title": "Welcome!",
                    "text": "This is the start of the study."
            // ... more frames
            "exit-survey": {
                "kind": "exp-lookit-exit-survey",
                "debriefing": {
                    "title": "Thank you!",
                    "text": "You participated."
        sequence: ["start-study", ... "exit-survey"]

    // If the child is not eligible, add a frame to the start of the study warning parents about this
    if (ineligible) {
        protocol.frames["ineligible-warning"] = {
            "showPreviousButton": false,
            "kind": "exp-lookit-text",
            "blocks": [{
                "title": "It looks like you've completed this study already!",
                "text": "We're only able to compensate you when your child is completing this study for the first time. You're welcome to continue doing the study, but we cannot provide compensation. If you think this is an error, please contact Becky Gilbert ("

    return protocol;