Setup for local development
These instructions will walk you through setting up to run CHS locally.
Option 1:
For a full local development setup, we will need to install both the the Django app
) and the Ember app (ember-lookit-frameplayer
), tell
them how to talk to each other, and run both of those servers locally.
On CHS, we will add some basic information to our superuser, and then add a child and demographic data.
We then create a study locally.
In ember-lookit-frameplayer, we’ll add a token which gets added to the headers of the API requests so that CHS knows about the logged-in user making the request.
We can then navigate directly to the study from the Ember app to bypass the build process locally.
Option 2:
If you are only making changes to the Lookit experiment runner (ember-lookit-frameplayer), you have the option of running only the Ember app locally, and having it talk to the CHS staging server instead of a local CHS server.
Either way, you will be able to make changes to frames locally and immediately see the results of those changes, participating in a study just as if you were a participant on the CHS website. You will edit the study definitions, and see the collected data, on your local instance or on the staging server, depending on the option you choose.
Django App steps
Note: this is optional if you are only making changes to ember-lookit-frameplayer.
Follow the instructions to install the django app locally. Run the server.
Navigate to https://localhost:8000/login/ to log in to CHS. Use the superuser credentials created in the django installation steps, and set up 2-factor authentication so you’ll be able to access the researcher and admin interfaces
Navigate to https://localhost:8000/__CTRL__ to access the Admin app. Navigate to users, and then select your superuser. If you just created your django app, there should be two users to pick from, your superuser, and an anonymous user. In that case, your superuser information is here https://localhost:8000/__CTRL__/accounts/user/2/change/.
Update your superuser information through the admin app. Fill out the bold fields:
Family Name: Your last name
Identicon: If no identicon, just type random text here
Timezone: Your timezone. America/New_York as an example
Locale: en_US, as an example
Place a check in the checkbox by “Is Researcher”
Click “Save”.
Create a token to allow the Ember app to access the API by navigating to https://localhost:8000/__CTRL__/authtoken/token/. Click “Add Token”, find your superuser in the dropdown, and then click “Save”. You will need this token later.
Create a study by navigating to https://localhost:8000/exp/studies/create/. Fill out all the fields. The most important field is the
, where you define the frames and the sequence of the frames. Be sure the frame and the details for the frame you are testing are listed in the structure.Add demographic information to your superuser (just for testing purposes), so your superuser can participate in studies. Navigate to https://localhost:8000/account/demographics/. Scroll down to the bottom and hit “Save”. You’re not required to answer any questions, but hitting save will save a blank demographic data version for your superuser.
Create a child by navigating to https://localhost:8000/account/children/, and clicking “Add Child”. Fill out all the information with test data and click “Add child”.
Now we have a superuser with attached demographic data and a child. We’ve created a study, as well as a token for accessing the API. Leave the django server running and switch to a new tab in your console.
Ember App steps
Follow the instructions to install the ember app locally.
If you make changes to the frames, you should see notifications that files have changed in the console where your ember server is running, like this:
file changed components/exp-video-config/template.hbs
Add your token and lookit-api local host address to the ember-lookit-frameplayer/.env file. This will allow your Ember app to talk to your local API or to the CHS staging server, depending on the option you chose above. If you are using a local installation of lookit-api, insert the token you saved earlier. If you are using the CHS staging server, please contact the admins for an API token for your account. Your .env file will now look like this:
PIPE_ACCOUNT_HASH='<account hash here>' PIPE_ENVIRONMENT=<environment here> LOOKIT_API_KEY='Token <token here>' LOOKIT_API_HOST='https://localhost:8000'
If you are using the CHS staging server, this will be identical except that the last line should be
.Run the ember server:
yarn start
Starting up once initial setup is completed
This is much quicker! Once you have gotten through the initial setup steps, you don’t need to go through them every time you want to work on something.
Start the Django app:
$ cd lookit-api $ pipenv shell $ invoke server
Start the Ember app:
$ cd ember-lookit-frameplayer $ yarn start
Log in as your local superuser at http://localhost:8000/login/
Previewing or participating in a study
To participate in a study locally, you need demographic data and a child attached to the logged in user, as well as a study. To fetch studies, navigate to https://localhost:8000/api/v1/studies/. Copy the id of the study you created earlier. To fetch children, navigate to https://localhost:8000/api/v1/children/. Copy the id of your child.
Both previewing and participating will save data to your local server; there’s no difference in the experience. Preview responses simply have an “is_preview” field set to True, and are displayed differently on the consent manager and individual responses views.
To preview a study, you need to either have read permissions for the study or the study needs to have “shared preview” set to true. To participate, you do not need any particular permissions.
To participate in a study, navigate to https://localhost:4200/studies/study_id/child_id, replacing study_id and child_id with the ids you obtained from the API. (For simplicity, bookmark this link while you’re working!)
To preview, you can instead navigate to https://localhost:4200/exp/studies/study_id/child_id/preview/, replacing study_id and child_id with the ids you obtained from the API.
Where does my video go?
If you have set up the Pipe recorder environment variables as described in the installation instructions, video recorded during your local testing will go to Pipe and then to an S3 bucket for Lookit development video. Please get in touch if you need access to this video. Depending on the project you are working on, we may provide credentials for accessing the dev S3 bucket, or may ask that you set up your own free Pipe account and have it forward data to you own S3 bucket, which will allow you to test more of the process. (In this case you will use ngrok to send a Pipe webhook to your own local instance.)
Further Reading / Useful Links
Development Browser Extensions